Welcome to the Holly Black Wiki discussion forum!
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• Off-topic conversations must be posted in either the Off-Topic or Personal categories.
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They're those tags you see when making posts. With categories, posts can be *grouped* based on the topic/title.
• General = For general discussion, posts, analysis and theories.
• Modern Faerie Tales = For posts about Modern Faerie Tales.
• Spiderwick = For posts about everything Spiderwick.
• The Curse Workers = For posts about The Curse Workers.
• The Folk of the Air = For posts about The Folk of the Air.
• Standalones = For posts about standalone books by Holly Black.
• Other books = For posts about other Holly Black books
• Off-Topic = For off-topic conversations that are not directly relevant to Holly Black. Nothing too off-topic.
• Personal = For personal posts regarding your feelings about the books, just saying hi and other things along those lines.
• Official Posts = For administration use only.
Take note that sometimes, discussions may be closed when discussion in it has ended or it is no longer necessary (e.g. once it stops being 'news', has become outdated, if the question has been answered, if a fight engulfs the thread, and/or if a thread receives no more replies within 30 days) to give way to other, more active threads that would need more attention.
It can also be deleted if a thread is unnecessary to begin with—e.g. if it is a duplicate and there is an ongoing, more active discussion going on about it, if a topic is repetitive and is constantly started, or if the answer is in a pretty obvious place on the wiki such as the page of the topic in question (the question will not simply be ignored; the user will be notified of the reason and given an answer by the admin who deleted it).
• If you have problems with a post here and need a mod, just click on the "⋮" button and press the “Report Post” button. Use it wisely!
• To contact administration, just leave a message on one of our walls and we will reply as soon as we can
We are not the only Holly Black wiki, just the megawiki, so if you are looking for a specific books series wiki just ask around and someone will link you.